Match Reports (Previous Seasons)

Gameweek 13- Match Reports

Ladies 2s

Report to follow

Men’s 2s

We have been naughty boys all year, especially Escobar T O’Hara, but Santa brought us three festive points anyway. Father Christmas’ favourite elf, all the way from Lithuania, Kristis Bubnelis scored a hat trick and duly indulged us in a jug of ale after the game. Jack Jacey hasn’t learned that Christmas is a time for sharing, helping himself to a brace. And angelic Imran Arshad scored one of the best goals I’ve ever seen.

We still managed to concede 4 though. I’m blaming Yogi Patel the Grinch for trying to ruin Christmas, but thankfully he was thwarted.

POP was Ebeneezer Scrooge, Jon Baker who failed to turn up – achieving an all time maximum fine of 70 – 1 for every minute he didn’t play.
MOM was Matt O’Hara who ensured Jesus didn’t die in vain today.

Special mention to Ben Norton who didn’t go LARPing this weekend, thanks for turning up mate.

Men’s 3s

Men’s 3’s had the return home slip fixture against Brentwood who we were beating 3-1 and all over them. This was when the game was called off in the second half after Nate went down. Brentwood, now top of the league, was going to make it an interesting game.

With the sad loss of the young Old Loughtonians player Tom Wilson this week, who some of the Brentwood players knew and our coach Ozzie coached, both teams lined up for a minute’s silence as a mark of respect before the game.

End to end hockey with some great moves down either wing and what was looking likely to be a good win, leading 2-1 with two good goals from Alex and Michael. We defended many short corners only to face 2 more short corners whilst the final whistle had gone. Just needing to defend the last short corner to win, Brentwood manage to somehow slip the ball out left and get a shot off. With the keeper down at full stretch in the splits and Michael on the post, the dreaded sound of the backboard signalled the end of the game and another disappointing draw to our tally in another draw we should have won.

Thankyou to Duncs and Gary for umpiring our slip date and well played to Alex and Martin for playing for us, hope to see you again in the future!

MOM: Gedas
POP: Matt, Parvin, Nate and Joe in a 4 way tie.


It was a 1-1 draw, D was super brave heading a loose ball away (get well soon!) POP has to go to Matt O’Hara for his no show! maybe he just had a killer hangover from last night!!!

Steve Hare